
Fashion Forward Fridays: Blanket Scarf Goodness

Happy Friday! I am already over the wintery cold and snow, but I cannot get enough of blanket scarves. I mean, who wouldn't want to wrap up in one before heading out in the cold? So for today's Fashion Forward Fridays, here are three looks I created in Polyvore for this trend! Enjoy and bundle up!

Which look do you like best? How do you wear a blanket scarf?


  1. Even if they're so overdone, there's no denying their stylishness or practicality! I have to say outfit number 1 is my fav of the three :)


  2. I'm loving the blanket scarves i've been seeing around everywhere lately. I still haven't found one for myself yet but they are so cute! I love all 3 of these looks! Aaaand I entered and shared your giveaway on Twitter!

  3. Nice choices Chelsea! I have that cream colored sweater on the top too.

  4. I love that sweater! So jealous that you have it!


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