
Chels Wears: Winter Layers

Belt & Cardigan: Target | Hat: Charlotte Russe | Chambray, Jeans & Scarf: WalMart
Ring: Old Navy | Flannel Shirt: thrifted | Leg Warmers: WalMart
Well, if you were here yesterday, then you know last night we hosted Thanksgiving dinner at one of Eric's churches for some people in need. And it went great! I'm so proud haha I was really nervous that there wouldn't be enough food and that the turkey would be awful, but everyone was fed and loved it! This was the first time I ever cooked Thanksgiving dinner and figuring out how to cook a turkey was a learning experience, to say the least. Now I feel like a real grown up.

These pictures were taken at a nearby park while I was waiting for the turkey to finish up. This was also the quickest photo session that Eric and I have ever done because it was freeeeezing outside. I'm not excited about winter officially being in Erie, but snow makes for some pretty pictures and I do love layering! But so commences the quick photo session season. Hopefully we'll get good photos on the first try like we did with these ones. Not to shabby for (literally) the only photos we took.


  1. I'm sure it was really cold out there but you look great!! I wish my outfits were that put together! I do love layering in the winter but I definitely need to accessorize more. Great outfit!

  2. Such a cute look, Chelsea! I love the color combination. Great attention to detail. :-)

  3. The colors are great! And the snow looks pretty nice too! None for us here yet, but excited for it :)


  4. It's getting really cold around here but we still haven't had any snow stick. I've been wussing out and taking my outfit photos inside. hahaha! I'm a big wimp.

  5. Girl, it looks like a frozen tundra
    Stay warm

  6. Holy moly it looks soooo cold there!!
    I love the outfit you've put together, and that ring!

  7. Thankfully on the actual day of Thanksgiving, I won't have to do anything haha

  8. Thanks, Andrea! I'm obsessed with this ring!

  9. I'm so glad to hear the Thanksgiving dinner went so well! I bet you truly made a difference in those people's lives.

    And man I'm getting cold just looking at your bare arms girl. Brr!

  10. Thanks, Lauren. And I know! Poor decision on my part haha

  11. This is such a cute outfit! I love that plaid!

  12. Great layered look! The plaid shirt, the boots, and the matching colours - all so perfect!


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