
Fashion Forward Fridays: BLRG Gets Some Roots

You guys! I'm so excited about today's Fashion Forward Fridays post because Sam, from Broke Little Rich Girl, and I have been planning and talking about it all summer and now we've finally brought it together. I am such a proud little friend for Sam and her business that I cannot even wait to see the new addition in person the next time I'm back home.

If you remember a while back, Sam and her BLRG truck were featured on Fashion Forward Fridays and she's been on the rise ever since. Here's an updated interview with her about her next step with her fabulous business.

How did the idea for BLRG gaining a brick and mortar store come about? Was it always a part of the plan?
The original plan was to franchise my truck and I'm still open to that, however the store came about because my customers were always asking if I have a spot where I am most of the time so they can find me more easily to shop. I realized that women weren't just stopping by the truck to shop once in a while - they actually wanted to shop quite often and check out my new styles. I was also turning over inventory in my truck very quickly, which is a great thing, but women wanted new things and more of it so I opened a store! Now I'll have more of what women have come to know and love of Broke Little Rich Girl with even more size options, which was another request I get a lot. 

How does the truck play into this new role for BLRG? Will it still be traveling? 
The truck will absolutely still be out and about! I actually have events already scheduled for the truck after my grand opening day. The truck will continue to do home parties which is something a lot of people don't even realize I offer. I bring the truck to you with wine or cupcakes and the host gets 10% off their purchase at no charge. I have a few scheduled for the Fall. 

Do you see more trucks or buildings in the future of BLRG...or both!?
I would love to franchise the truck in the future and if I ever get to the point where I could open another store I would definitely do it. If the opportunity fits my brand and business and helps me achieve what I'm trying to accomplish then I'll always be open. 

What can we expect from the store that is different than the truck experience?
The style is still the same - very trendy, contemporary styles at an affordable price. That's the base of what my customers love about BLRG so that won't change. I will however have more pieces to share, more size options for my curvy Broke Little Rich Girl's, and the space is just awesome. Its of course filled with pink, black, and white fixtures, but its also very inviting and allows for a great and still intimate shopping experience - similar to the truck. The store will just be at one location at all times so everyone can always find me on 3816 Butler Street! 

So if you're in the Pittsburgh area, be sure to check out Broke Little Rich Girl!

This is a partnered post, I was not compensated and all opinions are my own.
I just happen to love Sam's business and stand behind her and BLRG 100%


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