
What's In My Bag: Everyday

I've seen a good number of these kind of posts and have to say that I'm obsessed with them. I'm a pretty nosy person in general so seeing bloggers post about stupid stuff like what's in their purses is right up my alley. So I thought I'd share the same with you guys today. This will be a super-mini series, but I'm hoping you'll think it's fun! To start us off I did the everyday bag because it's the most essential. I usually mix up my bag every other week or so, but the contents are always the same. However, not pictured is a water bottle from Victoria's Secret. It was taking up too much room in my photos so I decided to take it out, even though I don't go anywhere without one!

As you can see, I've got plenty of reading material! I have recently canceled all of my magazine subscriptions, so I only buy them now if someone I really like is on the cover, which seems to be less and less, haha. This is the first ever issue of Vanity Fair that I've bought and it's all because of that stud, Jon Hamm. And I always have a book and the current month's Family Video release list, I feel like I always have to have it on hand. People know I work there and will ask me randomly if anything good is coming out soon, so I like to be prepared. Besides that, I feel like everything else is pretty standard; wallet, keys, phone, bobby pins and hair ties, pens and highlighters (I highlight my planner), eos lip balm (I'm obsessed!), planner, headphones, tampon case cleverly disguised as a makeup bag, a little mist, glasses case and of course my checkbook in a Steelers cover. Who doesn't have one of those?

What's in your everyday bag?


  1. I have the same planner!! And I'm nosy too. I love these types of posts!!

    Kimberly | Kimberly's Chronicle

  2. I love this planner! But I literally just realized it stops after July. Boo.

  3. Hi Chels,
    You're very organized, Useful and interesting items, that you carry on your bag.
    I love your blog, so cool
    Would you like to follow each other on BLOGLOVIN ?
    Maggie D.
    The Indian Savage Diary

  4. This is such a great idea for a post! I always love finding out what's in everyone's bags!



  5. I also have a love-hate relationship with magazines. I feel like I always want to subscribe, but when I do, I never read them. -_- I recently found out you can buy magazines at Half Price Books, so you should consider that if it's an option for you.

    Also, glad you're representing for the Steelers. ;)


  6. Ah, goodness, I don't know how you do it by carrying magazines around... mine never stay nice and always rip every which way, haha. Also, your phone looks a lot like mine, only mine is a Kyocera Hydro (it's from Boost Mobile and it's cheap, but it gets me to where I need to be!) You have some serious room in that bag! :D

    I normally carry with me: my phone, a couple of pens, a bottle of water, tissue packet, chapstick, body spray, my planner, a good book, my favorite hair clip and my old ipod touch for music :)

  7. I will have to check that out! Thanks for the tip! And of course I am - I love them too much not to haha

  8. This bag is seriously awesome, it's huge so I can fill it up if needed lol And I just bought this magazine a couple days ago so that's why it still looks nice lol

  9. What a fun post idea! I'm with you and that I never leave without my water bottle. I also have a similar tampon case but actually use it for all my lippies! I don't use or even own many so I can keep all my options in one place!

  10. Love this post! A book is a must for me as well :)

  11. Cute! I always have bobby pins and pens too. And a chapstick...you never know. :-) Thanks for sharing.


  12. New follower from the bloglovin hop! I don't know about you but i swear my purse eat my bobby pins. I swear its a bottomless pit.

  13. I love seeing what is in other people's bags! It is like a glimpse into their souls. I just did one of these not too long ago! And Jon Hamm is such a stud. I love him.


  14. Very true! I'm always stocked up on chapstick - the eos lip balm has become my favorite.

  15. Very true, Nikki! And seriously, who doesn't love that man?

  16. Does your shoulder ever hurt from carrying all of that? I love that you have so many reading materials in your purse every day!

  17. I bet your bag is heavy. So is mine! Love carrying around a journal or book, just in case. And I usually have my camera with me too. -Oh, and I am loving your journal! -Jess L

  18. I like your Steeler pouch. I make bags and have (accidently) created a "Steeler bag"...or at least that is what the buyer's are telling me. I am from near Pittsburgh but the team colors weren't my inspiration. LOL Who knew?


  19. Not usually, it depends on the thickness of the magazine to be honest. But this issue of Vanity Fair isn't that big.

  20. Oh no! I like the bag of yours! I'll have to stop back soon to scoop it up :)

  21. Love your wallet and giant notebook! I wish I could carry a book around, but I usually wear a cross body bag, so it sadly doesn't fit! Yay we have the same phone! I don't know if you drink a lot of Coca-Cola products (like Dasani, Fanta, Powerade, Sprite, etc.), but on the inside is a code that you can enter to mycokerewards.com to get points. I save them up and use them to get magazine subscriptions for free!

  22. I got that wallet for .50 at Walmart because it wasn't selling and deemed an "ugly" color but I love it! haha and I had no idea about the Coke Rewards! Diet Coke is my weakness so I'm on that right now! Thanks!

  23. If only one could carry the real Jon Hamm around in one's bag!!

  24. Great to see another hair clip carrier, I never leave home without them especially in the summer, they come in pretty handy for a quick up-do or messy bun :).

  25. Anyone who goes anywhere without them cannot be trusted haha

  26. hey girl, thanks for coming by my blog!

    I always love looking at stuff like this- is that creepy? Ha! I am obsessive about writing/highlighting in my planner too! I always carry it in my planner, even when I go visit someone or go to the store, people make fun of me for it! Cute cute hidden tampon bag too! This is a fun idea for a post, I might copy you :)

    ♥ perfectly Priya

  27. Haha, Priya! I hope it's not too creepy because we're in that ship together lol And clearly we're in the same boat for highlighting our planners and getting made fun of for it, but you can't knock down a girl for being organized! :)

  28. Oh, Jon Hamm!! I'd buy it too, girl! Good choice! ;) I was really wondering where the last episode of the season would take us but I really did like it. With the loss and sadness, it was still uplifting. Is Don Draper back? I'd like to hope so! As much as he has done and as many times as I've washed my hands of him because of his despicable behavior, I still end up rooting for him! I always say to my husband "I am so done with him! How can he be so horrible all the time?! He never learns!" he somehow wins me over anyway. It must just be Jon Hamm...or the fact that I REALLY don't like Cutler! haha I don't know if I can wait an entire year! Ahh!

    P.S. I'm just ASSUMING you watch the show! Otherwise you have no idea what I'm talking about! haha

    High Heels and Training Wheels

  29. HAHA no I understand!!! I have yet to see any of this season yet :( :( :( but I'm sure that I will forgive him over and over even though he's a jerk most of the time haha

  30. Oh, goodness! Well that's even worse! I'm glad I didn't say more and totally ruin the season for you! Whoops!!


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