
Fashion Forward Fridays: Wearing Red Pants

Happy Friday, everyone! I have gotten a lot of emails and messages recently about how to style colored denim. I love that I'm getting asked more and more for style advice, especially when it comes to my favorite trend. You guys know that I love my red skinny jeans more than any item in my closet and I wear them any chance I get, so I'm focusing on them today. Red jeans seem to be the most intimidating because it's such a bold color, but I have always been told that red is "my color" so this trend just seemed natural to me.

Here are three different looks I created in Polyvore for today's Fashion Forward Fridays. My main tip for people who are just starting out with colored denim, especially red, is to start with neutrals and black and white. This way you get used to styling them, become more comfortable with how to wear them and really figure out what looks good. So these three looks reflect that first step in getting acquainted with your red jeans. I hope they inspire you and get you ready to break out the red jeans yourself!

Which style do you like best? Would you try out any of these looks?


  1. I have never really gotten into colored jeans before, but I am so loving it this spring - these red jeans work so well for day or night!!

  2. I need to wear my red skinnies more often! I don;t know why I always forget about them! Love the looks! I think the 2nd one id my favorite!! Have a great weekend!

  3. Replies
    1. Glad you like it, Marcy! You're one of the reasons I decided to create this post!

  4. I love wearing colored jeans - my next blog outfit is actually going to be with my pink ones! They are definitely a fun way to change up your usual look.

  5. I love colored pants! I have no idea what I did with all of mine (donated, threw them out????), but I need more, stat. Loving the bottom look the best;)

  6. I am a colored jean addict! I have to say that red and green have been my favorites with lilac in a close third. They are perfect for dressing up or down and a lot more fun than regular denim! All three of these looks are fabulous! I can't even pick a favorite :)

    1. Thanks!! I agree, I love all kinds of colored denim!

  7. ooh i love that peplum top and leopard shoes! what fun outfits! i spilled bleach on my red jeans...i need to find a new pair!

  8. You created some adorable looks
    I love my red pants

  9. Oh my gosh, Chelsea - I love those red jeans! My favorite look hands down is the night out look, however the arrow bracelet in your casual look is to die for. I need one. I'll be following along with you on social media to keep my eye on more of your looks!

    1. Thanks, Jen! Glad you like the looks and looking forward to seeing you around these parts lol

  10. I love all the outfits! And I've been wanting to buy a pair of red skinnies!

    1. Thanks, Suheiry! You seriously need to get some - I love mine!


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