
Chels Wears: Menswear

Pants & Shirt: JCPenney | Blazer: Target | Tie: Macy's | Heels: Wet Seal | Glasses: Ralph Lauren

I have a confession. This outfit is really just to get MJ to look at my blog for once. While I usually don't mind that he doesn't come to this space often, because I like us to have our different things, I don't know the last time he's seen this space.

MJ is a little but more obsessed with the menswear for women than I am, which I find hard to believe sometimes. We both really like that women rock button ups and blazers and then can wear heels with them. Something about that kind of combo just says powerful. So while it was much nicer outside than it has been recently, I still felt layers were appropriate and then I realized, Eric had a tie that went with this look and I stole it for the day. Red is my color, right?

How do you feel about menswear for women? 


  1. you look hot!! not many women can pull this look off as well as you! i love it!

  2. I absolutely love this!! The plaid blazer is perfect on you! I love the red tie with the red heels! You pull off this look so well!

  3. Of course you look great!!! Buuuuuuut the tie kind of reminds me of a server at Olive Garden? Because they always wear ties! Otherwise I think the outfit looks great!

    1. Haha! I was thinking that too while I was editing these pictures! Maybe a skinny tie would work better?

    2. Yeah i think so! Or maybe ONE menswear piece per outfit? Like the jacket but no tie, or the tie with no jacket! Anyways, I'm glad you said you thought that, too! I actually thought about this comment last night trying to go to sleep and was feeling bad and hoping you didn't get upset!

    3. Haha! Oh no! I'm not easily offended so you're fine!!

  4. Love the outfit on you but I could never pull off the tie! That blazer is really cute though. It's like a perfect plaid!

    1. It is really the perfect plaid - it's from Target too so you know it was a good buy lol

  5. Love the matching pops of red! It really adds that perfect feminine touch!


  6. You look awesome, I love this. And I hope he took a look today :)

    1. Thanks, Sara! And he hasn't yet, he's traveling for work, but told me I'd get a text when he does lol

  7. very cute
    I think you are channeling Elle Woods and Cher Horowitz


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