
Chels Wears: Dressed Up Band T-Shirt

Cardigan: Lane Bryant | Tee: Avett Brothers | Skirt: Saks | Tights & Leg Warmers: Walmart | Boots: URBANOG 

Hello everyone! If you missed me on Monday, I was over on Sarah's blog again! I did a guest post on 5 tips on staying friends with new moms. Since Sarah is a new mommy, I thought it was appropriate. Also, on a semi-related noted, I have to say that if you are looking for a blog to sponsor, look into the options Sarah has because she has really worked her butt off for us this month and letting me guest post twice was a really nice benefit, along with her constant social media shout-outs.

In other news, this is the newest band t-shirt I have to add to my collection. I got it at the The Avett Brothers concert this past weekend. Eric got me tickets as part of my Christmas gift. Such a nice brother! We had a great time listening to Old Crow Medicine Show and then The Avett Brothers playing songs from pretty much every album they've made, which is a lot. It was a great show and I'm really excited we finally were able to see them live.

I wanted to dress up this tee a little bit and actually really like how this outfit turned out. Even though I am just now realizing how high I was wearing the skirt all day, wah wah. The skirt is actually a wrap dress that I snagged for $5 at the Saks Fifth Avenue closing sale in downtown Pittsburgh. I'm always a little nervous about wrap dresses, but it was such a steal I couldn't pass it up. And I feel safer when I wear it as a skirt because I fold the top underneath for a little more coverage. How would you dress up a band tee?


  1. Thanks for your comment on my apologies post, Chels.Don't know if you actually get to see my replies to comments. You give me so much credit; in reality, I don't balance a lot of those priorities really well half the time, which is the reason for the apology. Unfortunately, family and friends always take the back-burner when it comes to team, country, and mission not because we don't love them but because we understand the oath we took when we enlisted.

    Anyhow, I think this outfit is so cute. I want the skirt, or wrap dress, that is: the pattern and color is perfect! And band tees are always fun to wear. I have a few favorites that I'll keep until they fall apart or shrink at some point in the wash.

    1. Thanks, Jess! I have too many bands tees to count, but certainly some that should probably hit the trash soon. I'm sure you're doing fine, and your family understands that you have a duty and that has to come first sometimes. You're amazing. <3

  2. I love your outfit. Look at that snow, pretty.

  3. Super cute! I love taking a casual tee and dressing it up. This skirt is so cute and red is your color!

    1. Thanks!! I often hear this about red, so I'm sticking to it.

  4. Loveeeeee this look on you! I am also really jealous you go to go to an Avett Brother's concert;)

    1. Thanks, Meagan!! You neeeeed to go see them when they are near you. Such a fabulous show!

  5. Way to remix that dress and turn it into a skirt!!! I love adding graphic/band tees to skirts...it gives off that edgy, but girly look! Well done, sweet girl!

  6. I usually wear band tees around my house, but now I'm considering wearing them out! I'm going to a Demi Lovato concert with friends this weekend and might snag a cute band tee!

  7. Cute shirt! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog!


  8. First, thank you for your sweet comments. I loved having you on my blog :) And I loved both of your guest posts. Second, I heart the Avett Bros. so I'm totally jealous that you got to see them in concert. I love the tee paired with the florals. Great mix!

    1. Thanks, Sarah! I really appreciate the opportunity! And you need to see the next time they're in Pittsburgh, such a great show!


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