
Fashion Forward Fridays: Broke Little Rich Girl

Remember last week's Fashion Forward Fridays when I said I had something else planned but I couldn't make it happen just yet? Well, fear no more, Pittsburgh fashionistas, this week's feature is worth your wait. A couple weeks ago, Samantha, owner and creator of Broke Little Rich Girl, reached out to me to team up to bring you this post and I was instantly excited about this. BLRG is a new Pittsburgh boutique...on wheels.

That's right. Sam and some friends got an old box truck and transformed that sucker into Pittsburgh's newest boutique. (Is your jaw on the ground, because mine was.) I love, love, love this idea and I really see it working out well since Pittsburgh has really been heading in the "mobile is best" direction recently. Check out my interview with Sam and definitely be sure to check out BLRG's GRAND OPENING, tomorrow in the Strip District! (Specifically 23rd Street between Smallman and Penn.)

Before & after of the truck! All photos provided by Sam.
Tell us a general overview of Broke Little Rich Girl.
Broke Little Rich Girl is a mobile boutique that brings trendy, classic, with a touch of vintage inspired clothing and accessories to the women of Pittsburgh at affordable prices. The BLRG truck carries a unique assortment of products in a unique boutique setting.

Pittsburgh is a very mobile city and already has a lot of food vendors in similar trucks, is this how you came up with the idea of a boutique on wheels, or did your inspiration come from somewhere else? 
I have actually always wanted to open a boutique, but the idea of waiting around for customers didn't feel right to me. One day when I was visiting NYC I was at a fair and saw this fashion truck and when I walked in I just knew that I HAD to bring this to Pittsburgh. I have always loved the food trucks. What they're doing, especially here in Pittsburgh, is so innovative so they are also an inspiration. I hope to partner with them in the future to do events together because everybody loves to eat and shop!

Why do you want to be a part of the Pittsburgh fashion scene and what do you think BLRG will bring to that scene?
It's an exciting time for fashion in Pittsburgh. There are so many wonderful designers doing amazing things and so many unique boutiques carrying wonderful pieces. I know that this city will shine just as bright as NYC and LA in the fashion industry. I think the BLRG truck just brings a new element to the fashion scene with its mobility and unique pieces and compliments the already awesome boutiques that are out there. What separates me from others is my inventory. A lot of the items that I carry are made by local designers like Dona Jo and Necessity is the Mother and from designers around the world. For example, I worked closely with a woman from Singapore to create the color scheme for a line of clutches that I carry and I have these amazing shorts that are handmade, dyed, and cut so no two are the same. I also have trendy pieces from labels in CA and NY and I stay ahead of the trends, which is something I think the fashionistas of Pittsburgh will appreciate.  I want the BLRG truck to showcase and support Pittsburgh's fashion scene.

Don't you just love it!?
Where do you see BLRG in the next year? Five years? 
My dream in the next five years would be to have a fleet of BLRG trucks around the country so everyone can experience the culture that I am trying to create, which is fun, stress free, and unique. In the next year I would just like to focus on growing my brand here in Pittsburgh by making the Broke Little Rich Girl boutique a must visit on every women's shopping trip.

Where will people be able to find you? 
Do you plan to stay mostly in the Strip or do you have plans to move around? (Since, you really can move around!) I will be in the Strip District on Saturday, July 20th from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM for my grand opening and I will also be there on Sunday. I plan to be in the Strip on most weekends, unless I am attending a special event or festival. I keep my Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook feeds updated on a regular basis so you can always find the truck. The best part of my boutique is the fact that I am mobile so I can come to you! I can park in any driveway or company parking lot and open shop, so anyone can book me for an event or if they just feel like shopping. My visits come with a dozen cupcakes, music, and 10% off the host's entire purchase. Anyone who's interested can visit my website.

Just a little sneak peek inside.
Perfect driver's seat if you ask me!
What kind of atmosphere is the truck? Do you want it to feel like a different shopping experience, like customers know they are in a box truck or do you hope it feels more like a boutique? 
I am trying to create a comfortable and fun atmosphere. I have fun fixtures, AC in the Summer and heat in the Winter. I definitely want customers to know they are shopping in a truck because that's what we are - a renovated bread truck that used to carry wood and supplies. The truck is one of the things that makes us unique so I made it a point to make the cab still visible and utilize that space to interact with my customers.

What are you expecting your opening day to be like? Anything extra planned for the big day? 
I hope everyone comes to check out the Broke Little Rich Girl truck! I will have donuts from Peace, Love, and Little Donuts as well as mini cupcakes to share with visitors. I will also be giving away gift bags to the first 10 customers and of course there will be music playing. I want it to feel like a party and celebration of something new in the city.

ANYTHING else that you would like to add... 
Opening Broke Little Rich Girl has been a lot of work, but I have enjoyed every minute of it. I hope that the women of Pittsburgh get just as excited about it as I have. I am very customer focused so I really want everyone to like what I have to offer as well as build relationships with business in and around Pittsburgh. My family and close friends Rob and Bob really helped me turn a dream into a reality and I can't wait to share it!

So try your absolute best to make it out to the Strip District tomorrow to meet Sam, who is absolutely lovely, and to check out her truck! I definitely see Broke Little Rich Girl going places, and yes that pun was intended. Happy weekend!


  1. Read an article about the mobile fashion boutique awhile back in the Wall Street Journal
    Intrigued me to no end!

  2. Replies
    1. You should want to live in Pittsburgh anyway, but I'll take this as a good reason too lol


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