
Goodbye 7000B

Now that I am no longer living in the previously mentioned "perfect apartment" I feel like I can talk about it, without, you know, feeling like a stalker might come and find me. Paranoia is real you guys. Said apartment was located in Penn Commons, right in the heart of downtown Pittsburgh, and I loved it.

Closet and bed area of my room
To be honest, leading up to me moving in there two years ago, I was nervous as hell. On their website, as you'd be able to easily find out, they have no closets, all of the apartments are shared and they only rent to students. I knew for one, it was going to be hard for me to live without a closet; but also that I really wanted my own space and not feel like I was a child. Well. The no closet business, I got over pretty easily, as you can see what I did instead. However, this is definitely a place for students.

While I knew that this was considered "student housing" before moving in, I didn't realize and wasn't told about some of the strict rules surrounding alcohol and visitation, which if you're interested in those rules, feel free to let me know and I'll let you in on it all. However, despite the rules, this place was still amazing. Management actually cared and knew each tenant, maintenance was fast and very knowledgeable and helpful and the 24-hour security seemed to genuinely care about our well-being. The lead security guard will forever remind me of Ice-T so trust me, you're safe.

Dresser and desk area - opposite wall of the "closet" area.
Couch area - on the wall opposite of the bed. (I spy a huge canvas I never painted & a sleeping kitten.)
I never got to see the apartment or any sample rooms before moving in, which made me very hesitant until the moment I opened the door to my bedroom, but I assure you, I was surprised at how grand the rooms were and how I shouldn't have been worrying all along. Recently, management has been stepping up their game and giving full building tours to prospective tenants if you request one. If you or someone you know are a student and interested in moving downtown, trust me when I say that you will be hard-pressed to find something nicer and more fairly priced then Penn Commons. I would recommend this place over and over again, because you will see that Penn Commons is quite possibly the lowest priced apartments downtown and they are actually clean and secure. Unlike others nearby for the same price. Plus all utilities, except cable and Internet, are included and there is a huge laundry room in the basement. Not to mention, bi-weekly community activities in the main common area, also in the basement.

Feel free to email me with any questions you may have about Penn Commons, I would happily provide contact information and all the ins and outs of what you need to know if you plan to consider living here. And trust me, if you are a student, I highly recommend that you look into doing so. How can you pass up a prime location and 8-foot windows for such a reasonable price? Also, I realized after posting this that I didn't take any pictures of anything but my room, but everyone knows what a bathroom and kitchen look like and I wasn't going to take pictures of my two roommates' rooms. That is all :)

Some details of my previous space...

Dresser - next to the desk.
Bed and night stand.
Bookshelf <3
Next to the couch.
Closeup of the desk.
My favorite view!


  1. Wow, this is actually a really great student "apartment." While there isn't a kitchen, the space looks pretty big and well-lit, and I love how you decorated it! I can see why you loved it so much!

    1. Thanks, Sara! There actually was a kitchen, bathroom and two other bedrooms as well, I just forgot to take pictures of them haha! This bedroom/living room space was like my sanctuary though so it's the most important lol

  2. I would have loved to live in the heart of a city like this! And while the fact that it is a student apartment might be significant to some people, it is seriously overshadowed by the view and other positive characteristics that you mentioned. Truly, a place is made home and comfortable by whoever is occupying it. You personalized that space and made it desirable. It's cute and reminds me of my single days living on my own. Makes me feel nostalgic! -Jess L

    1. Very true, Jess. I loved this little place and it was just the right size for me at the time and of course, living downtown was perfect.

  3. just found this blog..Love the name! SO cute!!



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