
Fashion Forward Fridays Reader Submitted: Meet Rachel!

Happy Friday, everyone! I have to say that I am really loving being able to feature so many readers during my time outside of city life. You guys are so awesome, thanks for helping me to carry on with Fashion Forward Fridays. Today's fashionista is Rachel, who you all should still be jealous of because she was the winner of the ModCloth and Heinz History Center giveaway back in April when Fashion Forward Fridays had it's one year anniversary and Fashion Week. I'm excited to bring you her look because I think it's so unique and I love all of the vintage and upcycled pieces. So without further ado...here's Rachel!

Close up of Rachel's bracelet and ring, from two different family members.

How would you define your style? 
My style is eclectic--- pairing classic pieces with unique, one of a kind finds. Looking like everyone else is boring! You're most likely to find me in a skirt paired with some type of fabulous accessory. Fashion should always be fun.

Where are your favorite places to shop? 

I have been patronizing flea markets, thrift stores and consignment stores with my mom forever. These are the best places to score one of a kind items at affordable prices. That being said, my favorite places in Pittsburgh are Avalon, Designer Days Boutique & Ambiance. You can even score some pretty awesome deals at Plato's Closet and Goodwill. T.J. Maxx and Marshall's are also staples.

Rachel in a cute summer outfit - perfect for work or a night out!
Where did you get the pieces you are wearing?
Dress - Vintage, purchased at Reddz Trading in Bethesda, Maryland
Belt - Forever 21
Shoes - Marc Fisher, Macy's
Purse - Purchased at Vintage Pittsburgh from Highway Robbery
Bracelet - My mom's!
Ring - Antique. My great grandfathers tie pin made into a ring.

Rachel's purse - purchased from Highway Robbery during the Vintage Pittsburgh event.
Cute Marc Fisher heels from Macy's.
If someone asked you for fashion advice, what would you tell them? 
Only buy items you know you'll keep for a long time. Trends may change but buying unique pieces of clothing & accessories will always be in style.  I'm always finding something new within my own room!

GQ named Pittsburgh the 3rd worst dressed city, do you agree/disagree and why/why not? 
Neither. No matter which city you visit, you'll have your fashionistas who value looking nice and others who don't rank fashion high on their priority list.

Anything else that you'd like to add... 
I am a huge animal lover and have 6 dogs, 5 of which are rescues.

Isn't she just fabulous! Hope she has inspired you with her take on fashion today.
If you think you, or someone you know, should be featured in an upcoming Fashion Forward Fridays
Reader Submitted post this summer, please email me at chelsandthecity[at]gmail[dot]com
I would love to hear from you and see your take on what is hot to wear in the city!

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