
Fashion Forward Fridays: Highway Robbery!

Fear not about me not doing Fashion Forward Fridays anymore just because I don't live downtown anymore, I planned ahead for you guys. Like a real blogger! Anyway, today I am featuring a little vintage shop on Carson Street that I've had a crush on for awhile. Highway Robbery.

Highway Robbery features both women's and men's vintage items and while the women's collection is more expansive, the men's seem to hold the attention of a male just long enough before the "I'm bored of shopping" nerve kicks into their system. This is a proven fact, since I've only ever gone in there with a guy friend with me and they all start to wander aimlessly at about the same time.

Kate Colussy, the owner of Highway Robbery calls this, and her style, Vintage Casual, and Kate has the fashion background to know what's up. She's worked in everything from retail to styling for movies and now, Highway Robbery. This store is just what you're looking for if current trends with bold vintage statements is your style. Or you could wear vintage all over, but the pieces in this store make a statement, so wear them with confidence!

Highway Robbery
(Moderate & up)
1411 E. Carson Street, Pittsburgh
Store Hours:
Monday - Saturday: 12pm - 8pm
Sunday : 12pm - 5pm

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