
Meeting Andy Warhol

Wall along the entrance to the museum.
If you've been around this blog for a while, then you know that I have a (possibly larger than) minor obsession with Andy Warhol. You probably know him, or at least have heard of him as the king of pop art. He was quite possibly one of the most keen observers of the world around us and knew how to make everyday objects into art, and he was from a suburb of Pittsburgh. He's one of my favorite artists because what he calls "pop" I call designing, or advertising, which you also probably know, I love.

Andy once said, "I don't want to get involved, I just want to watch." Which is what I did in his museum yesterday. Because of International Museum Day, The Warhol was free to visitors, and although it is always free for Point Park students, I had the day off and this finally gave me the push to go. I made my way from top to bottom (well 6th floor to 1st since the 7th and 2nd were being prepped for new exhibits) and took my time, though I could have stayed much longer. The 6th floor, filled with Andy's films, the 5th and 4th with the pop art that everyone is probably most familiar with, the 3rd with his "Time Capsules" and Interview Magazine covers and the 1st with the timeline of his life, August 6, 1928 - February 22, 1987.

I loved being his observer. Going alone also allowed me to take the time I wanted to, although I made note that I should have gone there earlier so I wasn't worried about the fact that the museum closes at 5pm, but that just gives me all the more reason to go back, like I plan to. But now, even after I have studied Warhol in college, read books about him and saw a play about him, I now feel like I know him. At least know him better. The museum is a fantastic way to see inside the mind of the unbelievable Warhol, his actual works and works inspired by him and I encourage you to visit. Especially because you aren't allowed to take photos of the exhibits, so you won't see any more visuals here, meaning you have to go see it all and experience it for yourself! Enjoy!


  1. I went there soon after moving to the city and found it to be so cool. I just wish I had known more about his history beforehand so I could've really appreciated it all. We also found out that the girl who shot our Aftershot photos was Andy Warhol's niece!

    1. I remember you saying you went there awhile back but that's so cool that your photographer is his neice!

  2. You make me want to be in Pittsburgh -- which is a city I do love, a lot. The first time I went to Pittsburgh was in high school to go to the museum. It's so magical and beautiful. I love it.

    1. Haha well good! That was the point of me starting this blog so I guess I'm doing my job! And I'm glad you liked the museum too, it seems like it'd be your kinda thing!

  3. how very cool and what a great opportunity


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