
Fashion Forward Fridays Reader Submitted: Meet Jodi!

What would you do without fantastic friends? Well. I wouldn't have had a fashionista for Fashion Forward Fridays to share with you today without this friend. Knowing that I would be moving and not really have time during the week, and especially not today, to find someone to feature, I called upon my trusty friend Jodi to send in to be a reader submitted fashionista. Jodi was one of my first friends I met when I moved into downtown and I love this cute and simple, kinda hipster, look she's got going on.

I emailed Jodi the questions I usually ask people on the street and since she's a writer herself and she has so much personality in her responses, I'll just let her explain her style in her own words...

Clutch made by another friend, Laura Greenawalt.
What do you consider your style to be?
I think my style is pretty relaxed. Jeans and tees have always been my go to. The kid in me will always love a good graphic tee and I also love color, so I try my best to have at least one colorful piece in my outfit.

Where are your favorite places to shop?Target. I LOVE Target..it's kind of ridiculous. I also shop at Old Navy and some online shops like ModCloth and Threadless.

If someone asked you for style advice, what would you tell them?Style is all about you. If a trend doesn't work for you or your body type: Don't Do It! If others think your style isn't on point, who cares? You're the one who is dressing your person, you're the one who has to see you all day, so dress for yourself and your confidence will automatically make you stylish.

Jodi said her mom had a hard time with the camera!
GQ called Pittsburgh the third-worst-dressed city in the nation, do you agree/disagree & why/why not?I think that's really tough. There are definitely cities that dress worse than Pittsburgh but I think we got called out on it because our unfashionable members are the most noticeable since they show up at even the most upscale events representing their favorite sports team. People, say it with me: KHAKIS! For the love of God stop wearing jeans or *gasp* sweatpants when you go to places like the theater or a wedding unless otherwise advised! One pair of decent slacks will do a world of good for your wardrobe.

Cute little tattoo & shoes

Where are the pieces of your outfit from?
This is my favorite cardigan which came from American Eagle, the Doctor Who tank is from Hot Topic, Jeans are from Fashion Bug (RIP big girl pant paradise!), shoes are from Target, and Laura Greenawalt (LU Designs) made the clutch from the outdoor poster of the show Superior Donuts.

Happy Friday Everyone! Hope you're enjoying the great weather and as always, staying fashionable! I'm off to watch my brother graduate from PTS...he's finally becoming a master like me! :)


  1. Replies
    1. Right? Our friend, Laura, makes them out of the old show posters that hang outside of the theater that we work for - upcycling at its finest!


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