
A POP'ular Pittsburgh Place

Pittsburgh Popcorn. Many different flavors. Six different sizes. Yummy. While I have been here before, I know that I've never featured it on the blog, so you'll have to accept my phone pictures for now and go check it out yourself. They have four locations throughout the 'burgh and for my out of town readers, yes...they do ship their products nationwide. I suggest the Chocolate Caramel or Fruity Loop.  
Or really, any of them.


  1. we used to have a place like this where i grew up
    i remember eating so much popcorn one night that it made me sick as a dog LOL

    1. Oh I believe that! I had to actively stop myself from eating a whole bag of the chocolate and caramel last night haha

  2. I've always wanted to visit Pittsburgh! Looks like you had a great time!
    Sincerely, Sara

    1. Do it, Sara! This is a great city...and I know a fabulous tour guide you could use ;) haha

  3. Do you have something in Pittsburgh called Popcornopolis? That is the only place I have heard of in CA that has variety flavors of popcorn. But the quaint little mom and pop shops are always my favorite! Those flavors sound really tasty. :) And I think it's so cool that Pittsburgh and Portland are so alike. I've actually always wanted to go to Pennsylvania, and hope one day I will. When I move to Oregon, you have to give me "climate" tips on what to expect. :) Although, it snows in Pittsburgh right? It doesn't usually snow in Portland. But those cloudy days are quite frequent! And thanks for the tip on wearing heels and avoiding sidewalks. I'll still probably look like a California Transplant, but I just can't let me shoe collection go to waste! Have a good weekend lovely! <3


    1. I have not heard of a Popcornopolis and looked it up and there doesn't seem to be one anywhere near Pittsburgh but you're right the local-owned, mom & pop stores are the best - like this one. (Although it is "technically" now a chain around this area.) And I always hear people say that Pittsburgh is like Portland and by the looks of your pictures from your trip, it does seem that way! It does snow here, usually a lot but this winter it was just really cold, mostly - and I am a pro at the weather related fashion tips, so ask away at any time haha!

  4. I wish I could explore Pittsburgh and stop at this place! It definitely would end up on my blog or in my scrapbook! -Jessica L

    1. It seems like your kinda scene, Jess! You should definitely visit sometime!


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