
Cuzamil en miercoles!

Alright, Pittsburgh friends. You need to know, if you don't already, that Cuzamil Restaurante Mexicano is the place to get your fill of yummy Mexican cuisine. I went to their Squirrel Hill location during late-February with my friend Issac and I love myself for doing so. Although, now that I know they have a downtown location too, I hate myself because I'll be there too often for my bank account to be okay with. I guess you can stop reading this post if you don't like Mexican food, but if you're like me, your mouth is already watering.

Although I cannot comment on how authentic Cuzamil actually is compared to other "authentic" Mexican restaurants because I have never been, if you're going to say "I'm in the mood for Mexican, let's go to Moe's/Chipotle/Taco Bell." Stop. Talking. I understand that everyone needs a yearly intake of Grade D meat once in awhile, or just something super cheap or quick, but come on, guys. Step up your Mexican food game and go to Cuzamil.

During my last visit I had the fish taco special, which at the time, sounded gross but it was Friday during Lent and I was playing into the hands of the Catholics and went for it. OH. MY. GOODNESS. Get the fish taco special if it's available when you go. Anyway. Another great thing is that the excellent cooks at Cuzamil also buy local, from vendors in the Strip District, so you know what you're eating is fresh, and helping out other small businesses in Pittsburgh. Go there for lunch or dinner today and I'm sure you won't be disappointed!


  1. I so wish I lived closer to the city so I could experience all the deliciousness.

    1. Definitely check it out the next time you're in the city!


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