
Fashion Forward Fridays: Meet Christy!

Last semester, when I met Christy for the first time, I was so jealous of how effortlessly she was able to pull different pieces together to create such classic looks. We had a design class together and she was fabulous at creating projects and fabulous looking, even if she showed up in sweats. I hate girls like that, but it's hard not to like Christy because she's so personable and expressive. So when I walked into night class on Thursday for the first time this semester for another design class, I was so excited to see a familiar face and that face be hers. I also was so relieved to see that she was, of course, dressed in a simple yet classy outfit so I could feature her for Fashion Forward Fridays.

Christy in the lobby of Academic Hall at Point Park University.

Simple & classic & a Michael Kors bag!
Christy said that her style would be considered comfortable and universal. She is currently obsessed with H&M, but also loves to shop at Forever 21, T.J. Maxx, Marshall's, calling these fabulous discount stores "mini-gold mines" and as a Victoria's Secret employee, she cannot help but buy a lot of their clothes as well. (As a former VS employee...I hear ya, girl.) While she tries to keep up with what is "in style" and use elements that are currently on trend, she also remains true to her own aesthetic by wearing what flatters her body type best. She also said that although she likes to dress in the neutral tones to complement her gorgeous blond hair and brown eyes, she does like to sometimes add a pop of color every now and then. Christy, like most college students on a budget, also is a fan of buying clothes that are able to translate into multiple outfits and loves remixing to make many great looks out of only a few classic pieces. She would probably be great at the 30x30x30 challenge that I am currently doing!

Cute for traveling outside in the Pittsburgh cold too.
For people who are looking to make more of an impact with their style, Christy advises to start small and with certain accent pieces. For instance, she mentioned that she is currently trying to transition her style from trendy to professional, without loosing the young and stylish vibe she has and she is doing that by beginning to wear more heels. She said that accessories would be an easy place to start because while they usually are subtle, they are usually the element that transforms a look. Also, that for the ladies, hair and makeup makes a big difference. Although she herself likes to keep it low key, she said that playing around with different hairstyles and different ways to do a simple makeup routine can entirely change they way your outfit looks as well.

As for Pittsburgh being named the third-worst-dressed-city by GQ, Christy said that simply is not true. Although the city is not what everyone thinks as the most trendy or the place to look for the latest styles, she thinks we're getting there. She also said as a Point Park student, it's hard to see that the up-to-date and fabulous fashions that walk the halls everyday, aren't everywhere in Pittsburgh. Christy thinks that while Pittsburgh tends to follow the path that the other "big cities" are paving, that's okay, and that eventually, more people (maybe Point Park alums) will bring that extra shine to our city too! Happy weekend, friends!

And remember...next week is a reader submitted Fashion Forward Fridays! I am now accepting pictures for next Friday's post, so feel free to send your outfit photos to chelsandthecity[at]gmail[dot]com and I will pick a favorite and contact you by Thursday!


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