
Fashion Forward Fridays: 30x30x30

One of my "unspoken goals" of 2013 was to participate in the 30 day wardrobe challenge. I have always been obsessed with clothes and I have a major problem with buying too many things and then never wearing them, or wearing them only a few times. So since one of my favorite bloggers, Sarah of Coming Unstitched, is embarking on this challenge, I'm going to hop on board with her link-up. So 30 pieces, 30 days, 30 ways. Challenge accepted.

I'm also going to refrain from buying anything new during this time so I really get the idea of reusing and appreciating what I have. So, those lovely gift cards I got for Christmas are on hold. Damn. I am already sad about this, but excited at the same time to see what I can come up with and how to mix and match. It all starts on Monday, and I will not be including what I have to wear to work so I can be selfish and have as many options as possible. I already want more options of shoes, they are my weakness! Also, since I do not want Chels & the City to be just a fashion blog, I will just be giving weekly updates on here but every outfit will be on my Pinterest account, so be sure to follow along there! Here's what I'll be wearing...

Six shoes


Six pants

Seven tops

Four dresses

Seven sweaters/cardigans


Here goes nothing! Wish me luck and happy weekend!


  1. Yay, so happy that you'll be doing this with me! We can complain together :) Make sure to link up with me on Monday (sorry, I thought the link up was set to open today) so that we can all see your journey too :)

    1. Haha - will do! I'm excited to see how we'll do with this one. I was planning on doing this at some point in the year and since you posted your wardrobe I figured now is as good as ever!

  2. Great idea and you have picked some lovely pieces to mix and match!

    1. Thanks! I hope I still like these pieces after this challenge haha

  3. Good luck on the challenge! I've seen bloggers do this before and it's really cool how you can come up with outfits with limited clothing. And yes, I've seen all of Scrubs. The series finale is really good. And I don't count the season after with the weird interns. They should have just ended it. LOL. But yes, Scrubs is awesome! <3


    1. Yeah, I don't count that "weird interns" as a real season either. Hopefully that won't be what my title is during this challenge and I bring out some good outfits haha!

  4. Wow, that's an awesome challenge- especially if you don't want to buy more stuff! I definitely have the same problem, where I buy a bunch of stuff and don't even wear- it- it's such a waste! I'm really looking forward to seeing how you do on this challenge, it'll definitely give me some inspiration :D

    1. Thanks! Hopefully it'll go well and I'll be able to avoid shopping!

  5. I'm linking up with Sarah too! I think I can do it, since I've picked a good amount of tops but we shall see! :)

    carelessly graceful

    1. Yay! I just saw your post - glad a Penguins jersey made it's way into your picks lol good luck!

  6. This is such a great concept. I've currently given up shopping for Lent... so I think this will be my next challenge!


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