

Countless bloggers around the world are taking off today to remember the victims of 
the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting that happened on Friday morning.
I debated with myself all weekend whether or not I should participate for various reasons.
I am heartbroken by this tragedy. But, who isn't?

This is supposed to be a day of silence. 
Bloggers are supposed to just post that blue button and that's it.
But I cannot be silent.
I cannot be silent about those beautiful babies who were lost to evil.
I cannot be silent about the educators who were killed trying to save them.
I cannot be silent about how we as a country need to figure out gun control.
Or how we need to protect facilities that help people with mental illness.
I cannot be silent about how we need to quit saying the gunman's name.
How we need to instead focus on the victims.
And how those victims include his mother, and we should not blame his family.
I cannot be silent about the police, EMT's and other emergency personnel who did their best.
I cannot be silent about how this is not God's fault.

But I also have no answers.
I'm not saying anything new.
All I know is that 27 families are disrupted. 
And beyond that, all I know is that God is with us.
God is with Charlotte, Daniel, Rachel, Olivia, Josephine, Catherine, Dawn, 
Chase, Nancy, Jesse, Ana, James, Grace, Anne, Emilie, Jack, Noah, Caroline, 
Jessica, Lauren, Mary, Victoria, Benjamin, Dylan, Madeleine, Avielle and Allison.
God. Is. With. Us.

All I can do is pray for peace.
Pray that the love and support of a nation will help those families heal.
That they will find comfort in knowing no one else understands either.
And pray that they can still find moments of joy.
And that love will in fact conquer all.

Love, Chels


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