
Home for the Holidays!

Sigh. Sometimes it's just so good to be home. I love love love living right in the city, but I also love that my parents do not. While Pittsburgh has my heart, I know that times I get fed up with the fast-paced world and the seeming lack of space. Although my parents do not live in the "country" it's just far enough away from the hustle and bustle of the city where you actually have to drive to get to anything and where literally everyone knows you. Oh, Ellwood City, you are only missed when I've been away from you for long periods of time haha - Here are some photos of my Christmas break. I hope all of you enjoyed a great holiday, surrounded by loved one, while eating too much food.

Beautiful cards from friends hung in my apartment. Guess it's okay that I never got to painting the huge red canvas.
Christmas lights inspired by A Christmas Story. Eric and I just had to stop and take a picture on our way home.
Last minute shopping with this happy reindeer.
Nativity setting handmade by a lady at our church.

Oliver Christmas is only complete with fudge and seven layer cookies! Yummm. (picture by Eric)

Scary reindeer inside Trader Horn.
Meeting Santa - baby Khalifa's first Christmas.








Love, Chels


  1. The Christmas Story lights are so cool!! My family loves that movie so I bet they would love those lights. I'm glad you had a great Christmas! <3


    1. Thank you! My brother and I literally pulled off the road so we could get out and take some pictures. We love the movie too!


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