
Happy Thanksgiving!

Pittsburgh in the fall. Photo credit.
I'm glad you're taking a moment to stop by Chels & the City while you could be eating.
I am thankful for you, sweet reader. I have so much to be thankful for and you've also made the list!
Nothing is more beautiful than an autumn day in Western Pennsylvania and though I am not currently blogging from the 'burgh, I am not far away - enjoying the holiday with the family in Ellwood City.

Thanksgiving is my second favorite holiday. (Easter being the first.)
So this year, I counted every commercial I saw about Christmas and buying, buying, buying,
because I hate how we skip over Thanksgiving for shopping,
even though shopping is one of my favorites too. 
Anyway, for every commercial I saw,
I am donating a can of food to the Pittsburgh Food Bank
So, soon I will be buying 65 cans.
Holy. Poop. But, it's worth it. And I'll need some help carrying those.
I hope that you all enjoy today and what it really means,
not just about how much stuffing you can eat
and where you'll be heading out to super early for Black Friday.

However, if eating is a worry for you today, there are two places I know of that are offering free meals, 
feel more than welcome to go to the Light of Life Rescue Mission on the North Side
and/or Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community on the South Side.

Enjoy today.
Happy Thanksgiving.

Love, Chels


  1. Good for you, Chels! Food bank donations are amazing, especially this time of year. Your idea is inspiring. Happy Thanksgiving to you :)

    1. Thanks! I just got so annoyed watching TV one day and decided it was a good way to gain perspective.

  2. hope your thanksgiving was fabulous and that you enjoy the rest of the holiday weekend

    1. Thanks, Brett! Hope you enjoyed the holiday with your husband & kids!

  3. That is so nice that you're giving back! 65 cans is amazing! Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving.

  4. I have to agree - I hate that people skip over Thanksgiving just to move on to the "more, more, MORE" attitude of Black Friday and Christmas shopping.

    Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful, and good for you for giving back!


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