
The Producers Take Over The Playhouse

Oh. My. Goodness. I have been raving about this production since I saw it on Saturday night. I cannot believe how fabulous it was. Honestly, if you have the time to do so, you must go see The Producers at Point Park University's Playhouse. These students should be very proud of their performance and you should really take the time to check out the talent of Pittsburgh's up-and-coming.

The Producers runs until Sunday the 28th at the Playhouse.
The Producers, is a musical adapted by Mel Brooks and Thomas Meehan, based on the film by the same name by Brooks from 1968. The lyrics and music were also written by Brooks and arranged by Glen Kelly and Doug Besterman. The story, which was also made into a musical movie in 2005 as well, is about Max Bialystock, a renown Broadway producer and his new partner, former accountant, Leo Bloom. Max (portrayed by senior, Tom Driscoll) and Leo (sophomore, Carter Ellis, who was made for this part) figure out a way to earn much more money on a Broadway musical flop, than a hit and scheme together to create the worst show possible. They bring together an awful show, a horrible director and actors who just don't have it and hope for the best worst.

This show relies on many show business jokes, ridiculous accents, and poking fun of Nazi's and homosexuals and to be quite honest, I never really liked it before. While anyone can go into this show and laugh at certain parts, as a whole, I never found it to be the great musical it is said to be. Now, obviously the twelve Tony Awards that it won would disagree with me. But, simple as that, I never really liked it before. Until now.

Driscoll, Mandie Russak (a senior, as Ulla) & Ellis. Photo credit.  
The Point Park Conservatory Theater Company has changed my mind. Each student in this show brought everything they had and left it all on the stage. They brought these outrageous characters to life and made The Rockwell Theater swell with talent. I do not think a single student lacked any bit of character and each one brought the performance to the next level with each scene. All of them should be making their director, Point Park alumnus, Tome' Cousin, and the entire Point Park community proud with the obvious hit they brought to this stage. This is the biggest show that Point Park has done and these students have proven that they can handle the challenge of doing even bigger and better and I applaud them.

This was the first Point Park show that I was actually able to attend and I was floored by the talent that this school is holding. Call me biased, but I don't know any of the students in this show very well. Keep in mind I'm a grad student at Point Park and have few opportunities to interact with undergrads, especially the super busy COPA students. I sincerely look forward to future shows and suggest that you make seeing The Producers a part of your plans this weekend since it's final show is Sunday night, you will not be disappointed.

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