
The Mysteries of Pittsburgh

Since watching The Mysteries of Pittsburgh for the first time, I cannot get it out of my mind. I rented it from the Point Park library about a week ago after not even knowing that it, or the book that it was based off of it, even existed. And to be honest, thank God I did.

Mysteries of Pittsburgh movie cover. Photo credit.
The book, which was written by Michael Chabon, is about Art Bechstein, who just graduated from college with a business degree and wants to spend one last summer, doing nothing of real importance in Pittsburgh. Art, who is played by Jon Foster, has a mob father, Nick Nolte, who already has a job lined up for him after the summer, but Art is not looking forward to wasting away in an office, though he does not have any concrete plans for more exciting things to do during his summer in the steel city. Within the first few days of summer he meets a beautiful woman, Jane Bellweather, played by Sienna Miller, and her boyfriend, Cleveland, played by Peter Sarsgaard and everything changes for him.

The Mysteries of Pittsburgh tells of the adventures of Art, Jane and Cleveland throughout the city, and the love triangle that forms between them, the story alone makes this movie worth watching, but the poetic writing, narration and beautiful shots of Pittsburgh make it worth remembering. The scenes of Pittsburgh are gorgeous and to most people, some may be unknown little gems of the city. While anyone can recognize the Le'Mont, some of the bridges, smoke stacks and a beautiful scene at the Point; there are also some small shots of alleys and neighborhoods that some people might not recognize right away. This movie brings the everyday of Pittsburgh to life.

Jon Foster as Art Bechstein in The Mysteries of Pittsburgh. Photo credit.
This movie also brings the ordinary bits of life into a whole new meaning and gives this city a new light. It is also accompanied by a fabulous soundtrack and the actors bring a depth to the plot that could have easily been overlooked otherwise. The actors are so good that they speak loudly even in the movies' moments of silence. Honestly, the movie is so, so good. If you haven't seen it, you must. Although I cannot comment on the book, if it is anything close to the movie, it is probably a must read.

However, the main thing that stuck out to me more than anything was how Art felt about Pittsburgh. Although he grew up near the city, went to school here and ultimately spent that "last" summer here, he looked at Pittsburgh as at least half of Pittsburgher's do...as a place to be stuck in. Whether you've realized it or not, you're either someone who loves this city, or you're not. For me, if it's not so obvious already, I love it, but I know I am surrounded by people who don't. For Art, and many others, leaving Pittsburgh brings them a new sense of life. While for me, being in Pittsburgh has brought me to life in a new way.

I have always dreamed of living right here, in the heart of the city and finally I am living that dream. But I know it's not for everyone. So, what does Pittsburgh mean to you?


  1. Interesting, Chelsea. I actually found out about this movie a while ago but read that it had mostly negative, negative reviews so I put it in the back of my brain. But perhaps I'll give it a watch now.

    1. Isaac, I think that you would enjoy it. Especially since you are now living in Pittsburgh, I think it will give you an interesting perspective on the film. I would love to know your thoughts!

  2. That's so interesting that people don't like living in Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania in general is always a place I've wanted to visit. But I live in CA and people think it's so cool that I live here, and I honestly don't see what the big deal is. I guess it's kind of a 'grass is always greener' mentality. Sounds like a cool movie though. I'll have to check it out! <3


    1. Toni- thanks for your input. Although I loooove Pittsburgh, I see it's flaws too but you're right, people always think the "grass is greener" elsewhere. I've always wanted to visit CA so we'll have to swap notes sometime!

  3. thanks for the movie rec
    always looking for new ones to try

  4. I loved this movie! I purchased the book after watching the movie on repeat several times but have yet to read it. There are definitely so many people that hate on Pittsburgh and fail to see the tranisition this city has been continuing to go through. Living in Buffalo most of my life, believe it or not, I always dreamed of moving to Pittsburgh when I got older. There's just so much to do and so much culture. It's time that people start to embrace that!

    1. I agree so much! Obviously. haha Pittsburgh is going through such a great transition right now, I wish more people would see that.


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