
Dreamers Paradise

Nothing is better on a summer day than some yummy ice cream! Today while I was out and about doing some mundane Monday errands, I stopped by one of the latest Pop-Up projects to come to downtown: Dream Cream Ice Cream.

Dream Cream Ice Cream logo found on their Facebook page.
If you have yet to hear about Project Pop-Up, they are all a part of a program by Luke Ravenstahl, Urban Redevelopment Authority, Department of City Planning and Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership to bring some more life to downtown Pittsburgh. And they are doing a great job! All of the Pop-Up's that I have been to so far have all been awesome additions to the downtown area and Dream Cream is no different.

I stopped in today on my way back to my apartment and walked into a greater treat than I expected. While the space itself can still use a set or two of tables and chairs, or the Pittsburgh favorite, a bar facing out the window, the cute little shop has a great minimalistic and bright look. The staff is friendly and their sky blue t-shirts with the word dreamer across the chest is the perfect uniform that also matches the decor. 

The greatest thing about Dream Cream though, besides the taste of the ice cream, is the cause behind each scoop. Each month, the flavors of the ice creams are changed, given new titles and assigned to new dreams. On the Dream Cream website, you can apply to be a dreamer, allowing you to pick a flavor and part of the proceeds of each sale of that flavor goes to your cause. Awesome, right?! Pittsburghers are doing awesome things. 

Yvette Shipman just one of this month's dreamers!
Today I picked, Yvette's Fools Gold ice cream, which was so yummy and perfect for this humid day! It is peanut butter ice cream, peanut butter swirls and chocolate covered toffee pieces. Perfect! Yvette's dream is to open her own business, Moteasa, a specialty tea shop, where she will make her own teas, inspired by the different neighborhoods of Pittsburgh. Like I said, Pittsburghers are doing awesome things! I'm glad my little splurge today can help Yvette grow her business in some small way because I cannot wait to check out her tea shop when it's up and running! 

Be sure to come downtown and check out Dream Cream Ice Cream, I'm sure you'll see me there more than I need to be - this place is entirely too close to my apartment. It's located at 539 Liberty Ave. and I promise it is super yummy and a super great cause. Opened just in time for summer too!

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