
Fashion Forward Fridays: Meet Channing!

This week's Fashion Forward Friday Fashionista was so easy to find. This afternoon, I went to the Equal Pay Day Rally in Market Square (which will be on the blog later) and instantly spot Channing and knew I would have to talk to her after the rally. As you may know, or if you read last week's FFF blog with Carly, since Pittsburgh was named the third worst-dressed city by GQ, I'm now on the hunt to prove them wrong. And if more people dressed like Channing or at least shared her mentality for clothes, it would be so much easier to do!

So many colors! Love, love, love!
What first drew me to her was easily the amount of color in her outfit. As Carly said last week, and Channing echoed today, people should not be afraid to use color in their choice of clothes and I just love that sentiment. She said that bright and rich colors like oranges and purples are her favorites to work with and that she also likes to mix different fabric and textures, which is evident in her outfit choice for today.

Notice how great Channing paired different colors, textures and fabrics together.
Love these flats with the detailing of that little bow!
Since Channing actually works for the Women and Girls Foundation, the organizers of the rally, while also being a CMU graduate student, she needs to have a professional look, but I was so thrilled to see a personality in her outfit while still remaining professional. Channing said, very enthusiastically I might add, that she is a Maxxinesta, which means she loves shopping at T.J. Maxx. While she said she occasionally likes to shop at boutiques as a reward to herself, T.J. Maxx is her favorite because it offers great designer brands for way less.

As for some advice for other fashionistas (or aspiring fashionistas) out there Channing urges to always make your look memorable. Whether it's an accessory item, what shoes you wear or a special piece to your outfit, always make sure to leave a lasting impression. She also advises to wear clothes that suit your body type and flatter your figure and not to follow trends just because, but instead wear what makes you feel good. As Channing said, "if you feel good then you'll look good too." So wear what works for you and wear it with confidence! Happy weekend, Pittsburgh!

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