
Penguins on Parade

For as long as I can remember, I have been in love with penguins. If you need me to rattle off a few fun facts and various movie references that include them, a favorite being from Good Luck Chuck, I can. So you can imagine the excitement when about a month ago, my brother posted this video on my Facebook wall:

Right after I watch the video, about 362 times, we made plans to go to Pittsburgh Zoo and PPG Aquarium to see the penguins parade first hand. Today was that day. I asked weeks in advance to have this day off and we were set to go. After a little pre-trip drama of my alarm clock not going off, and me speeding from downtown to East Liberty to pick up my brother (somehow getting that far, in decent traffic, in only 20 minutes) we made it just in time to join the rest of the crowd, what seemed like everyone in Pittsburgh, to watch the cute wittle waddlers. And although we weren't allowed to touch them even if they came close to us, this was a dream come true. I cannot explain my love for these little guys without sounding like a total moron.

Wittle friends parading!
The littlest friend!
Posing like he's on the red carpet!
Also, PPG was really thinking when they decided to hold the Penguin Parade every Saturday and Sunday from February until March...what other activity would bring this many people to the zoo when it's not the greatest weather to be outside in for a few hours? The penguins waddled from their house inside the aquarium to the end of a looong line of people and then back home, what fun! And the penguin handlers seemed really friendly and pleased with their little buddies, which it's always nice to see happy people working with animals. Great job to all involved and if you have free time tomorrow or for the next two weekends in March, go see the "March of the Penguins" in real life.


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